Art Classes
Monday Online Painting Class
We meet on Monday afternoons from 2pm to 4.30pm mostly online each term, but on two to four occasions, weather permitting, we meet en pleine air to paint the Oxfordshire countryside. Please contact me for dates and availability of places.
Classes with ArtSmart
Thursday morning Oil Painting Class online
Friday Morning Acrylics Class in Thame
Please contact www.artsmartuk.com or 01494 670 372 for bookings.
Private Tuition
Jeffery is also available for Private Tuition on a one to one basis, or small group, please contact for further details.
Gallery Courses
Paintings Through an Artist’s Eye at the Ashmolean Museum - click here
Please contact us for details giving the full synopsis of the course or if you would like to book a course for a group.
Paintings Through an Artist’s Eye at the National Gallery - click here
Please contact us for details giving the full synopsis of the course or if you would like to book a course for a group.
Jeffery is available to give lectures, here are some topics available:
- Leonardo’s Last Supper
- Botticelli’s Primavera
- The Hidden Harmony in Piero della Francesca’s Baptism of Christ
- What Makes Great Art Great?
Copyright ©2020 Jeffery Courtney |